Letter Input S/W for Mini Keyboard

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  • It improves the shortcomings of the existing Korean letter input method (Hangeul 80), developing the easiest possible input method by reinforcing 10 conveniences, Keyboard Layout is easy to remember Simple Input, Rule Fast Input System, Left-Right Division of Vowels and Consonants allows for Convenient Two-Handed Typing, Vowel Input Method with the lowest possibility of typing errors
  • English letter input method (LM91) is easy, fast, and simple., It allows for the free input of separate characters and words from the database. The user inputs a word by typing the first 1~2 letters and the last 1 letter, a very simple and rapid system that leads to the lowest error rates. Even if the user doesn't know the spelling of a long word, the user can input the word quickly by using the first and last letters.
  • In the touch-screen input system of PDA and tablets, this keyboard solves the problem of many tiny letters in the small LCD window. The number of letter is small, and the size of the letter is large. It has 4 block shells, and you can input the letters allotted to each shell by dragging the representative letters. As the fingering distance for the selection of letters is short, rapid input of letters is possible, Letters are displayed with the touch pen, and they are input by dragging them to the letter direction.

Area of Application

  • Home phone, mobile phone, and smart phone etc. that allow for the input of letters
  • PDA, tablet etc. that allow for touch-screen type letter input.
  • Two-way TV, DMB, PC, Navigation, and Remote Controllers that can use letters, such as those currently under development.

For further information please contact

Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine and Herbal Technology Network
4th Floor, D Site, Hubei Science & Education Building,
2 Hongshan Road, Wuchang, Wuhan,
Hubei 430071, P.R. China
Tel: +86-27-87368126
Fax: +86-27-87368125
E-mail: apctt@apctt-tm.net
Website: www.apctt-tm.net