Cervical spacer for reducing radiation dosage on critical organs during the brachytherapy treatment –Dr. Abi Santhosh Aprem, HLL Lifecare Ltd.

Home » Technology » Cervical spacer for reducing radiation dosage on critical organs during the brachytherapy treatment –Dr. Abi Santhosh Aprem, HLL Lifecare Ltd.

Technology Description


The brachytherapy of cervix is normally done using cotton gauze packing of the vagina. This result in pain and discomfort to the patient and vaginal lacerations. Moreover, if the source of radiation is displaced, it exposes the healthy tissues and may obstruct exposure of targeted tissues. If the packing is found to be inadequate by radiographic verification, the process has to be repeated. Experience of clinicians is critical.

Our innovation is an independently inflatable biocompatible device to separate the bladder and rectum as much as possible from the radiation source. This device can provide increased reproducibility among fractions and consistent quality of treatment between schedules.

Moreover this device decreases radiation exposure to critical organs and improved the patient comfort and decreased the risk of vaginal lacerations.

The new device will provide affordable, painless and improved treatment procedure with reproducibility in successive treatments.


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