XrayTo3D - Tabplan3D

Technology Description

A novel software product (Tabplan3D) which will use 2D X-ray images as the input and provide 3D surgery planning platform for surgeons. It uses patented ‘Xrayto3D’ technology to generate accurate 3D bone models from 2D X-ray images within a minute. Hence, it provides 3D visualization without the drawbacks of the CT scans. The 3D visualization, simulation and planning tools of the software will help surgeon to make accurate surgical decisions quickly and easily. Tabplan3D will be available as tablet and web-based application where surgeon will upload a 2D Xray image and will get a 3D view based surgery planning. Since its a cloud based application, it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime and easy to use by any orthopaedic surgeon.


For further information please contact

Information Manager
Email: timeis@ficci.com