Power Line Harmonic Analyser


The AC supply voltage from electrical distribution system is expected to be generally sinusoidal. However, due to various end use equipment, harmonic currents and voltages appear on power lines. The harmonics have frequencies that are multiples of the basic supply frequency of 50 Hz.

Harmonic current sources are electrolytic processes (Caustic soda plant, electroplating, etc.), Arc furnaces, Railway traction and some power electronic equipment like variable speed drives and inverters.

The harmonics on a power line are undesirable. Hence, it is necessary to measure and monitor such harmonic quantities to take suitable remedial actions.

The Harmonic Analyser developed by the institute is an equipment to measure the individual level of harmonic in voltage and current of the power line, upto 50th order.


Voltage Input: From system PT
Measuring range : 90 V to 145 Volts
Nominal Input : 110 Volts
Maximum input voltage : 440 Volts
Current Input: From CT
Measuring Range : 1 SMP to 6 AMPS
Maximum Input Current : 10 AMPS

Electrical Industry, electronics industry

  • Microprocessor based design.
  • Employs discrete fourier analysis method using sampling technique for computation of harmonics.
  • Computes harmonics of both current and voltage individually or simultaneously.
  • Harmonic measurement upto 50th order along with total harmonic distortion.
  • Both manual and automatic operation are possible.
  • Results are printed on paper by 80 column printer.
  • Other parameters like harmonic phase relationships, harmonic powers, system power factor in the presence of harmonics distortion factor, etc. can be computed by additional software programs to be developed

Transfer Forms


Main Application


For further information please contact

Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises
APCTT Building, Qutub Institutional Area
P.O. Box – 4575
New Delhi – 110016, India